Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s haunting film “The Birds”, in which nature revolts against humans resulting in a series of sudden/unexplained violent bird attacks, this shoot is set in the (very) near future: one that is threatening to materialize at any given day.
With computers accessing our locations, conversations, sensations, thoughts and wants and needs, we are more vulnerable now than ever. We are being watched, spied on and stalked by an unknown “force”: a group of marketers, brands, governments, establishments and even individuals.
We exist on data clouds as much as we do in the Real World; technology has become "the new horror", a lingering threat for humans.
“Drones: The thriller” is a modern day story heroing a Hitchcockian blonde, attacked by the same birds that attack us, - indirectly - everyday.
Photography Eli Rezkallah
Produced by @plastikstudios 2018
Model @cajsawessberg
Styling @mounaharati
Wardrobe @watp.aishti
Project manager @stephkassouf
Art Direction @alex.curtis
Assistant styling @gabrielakassab producer @lilialaurel copywriting @philippeuh
Photographer’s assistant @Paulinemarou
Special Thanks @daliajay